Hi, I'm Facundo!

Solutions Engineering Team Manager at Storyblok
Full Stack Developer
From Buenos Aires, Argentina 🇦🇷

React Buenos Aires organizer
DevSummit AR organizer

Auth0 Ambassador
Prisma Ambassador
Cloudinary Media Developer Expert

Recent Posts

Impressions from 2022 Dev Conferences

Impressions from 2022 Dev Conferences

With this article, I’ll try to recap and share some thoughts, reviews, and impressions related to my in-person experiences during this year that is about to end.

A Look At Remix And The Differences With Next.js

A Look At Remix And The Differences With Next.js

Let’s talk about Remix, the framework to create JavaScript projects using server-side rendering. Let’s go through its main features and concepts and see the similarities and differences with Next.js. Remix became open-source not so long ago, and it has a promising future. Let’s see how it evolves, which features are added, which related projects are created to improve the developer experience, and which other scenarios it tries to solve.

¿Es Remix el Próximo Framework Para Ti?

¿Es Remix el Próximo Framework Para Ti?

En el mundo del desarrollo web, y de la tecnología en general, nuevas herramientas aparecen cada vez más seguido. Si bien muchas son bastante similares entre sí, o comparten los mismos propósitos, son las que ofrecen un punto de vista diferencial las que logran hacerse masivas y popularizarse entre los miembros de la comunidad web. Si hablamos de frameworks, y más específicamente los que se basan en React, podemos ver que Remix ha estado sonando fuerte en los últimos meses.